Recently I had a situation where I needed to test a class with dozens of event handlers. Rather than manually write the repetitive code to attach the handlers I decided to cheat and use reflection. Since there wasn’t anything immediately available online that I could find, I’m sharing an example here to show how to do it.
The code below is a simple console application that demonstrates this technique. There is a class ThingWithEvents
that exports a couple of events, OnSayHello
and OnCounter
. The program creates an instance of this class then calls SubscribeToEvents
. This reflects over all the events in the given type and for each event calls GetHandlerFor
which generates an EventHandler<T>
delegate of the correct type.
There’s a GitHub Gist here for any suggestions or comments.
namespace EventHandlersByReflection;
using System.Reflection;
using static System.Console;
public class Program
public static void Main()
var thing = new ThingWithEvents();
thing.SayHello("Hello World!");
private static void SubscribeToEvents<T>(T target)
foreach(var @event in target.GetType().GetEvents())
var handler = GetHandlerFor(@event);
@event.AddEventHandler(target, handler);
WriteLine($"Subscribed to {@event.Name}");
static MethodInfo? genericHandlerMethod = typeof(Program).GetMethod("Handler", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
private static Delegate GetHandlerFor(EventInfo eventInfo)
var eventArgsType = eventInfo.EventHandlerType?.GetMethod("Invoke")?.GetParameters()[1]?.ParameterType;
if(eventArgsType is null)
throw new ApplicationException("Couldn't get event args type from eventInfo.");
var handlerMethod = genericHandlerMethod?.MakeGenericMethod(eventArgsType);
if(handlerMethod is null)
throw new ApplicationException("Couldn't get handlerMethod from genericHandlerMethod.");
return Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(EventHandler<>).MakeGenericType(eventArgsType), handlerMethod);
// zero refernces, but accessed via reflection. Do not delete!
private static void Handler<TArgs>(object? sender, TArgs args)
if(args is SayHelloEventArgs sayHelloEventArgs)
WriteLine($"SayHello said: {sayHelloEventArgs.Messsage}");
if(args is CounterEventArgs counterEventArgs)
WriteLine($"Counter is {counterEventArgs.Counter}");
public class ThingWithEvents
private int counter = 0;
public void SayHello(string message)
OnSayHello(this, new SayHelloEventArgs { Messsage = message });
public void Count()
OnCounter(this, new CounterEventArgs { Counter = counter });
public event EventHandler<SayHelloEventArgs> OnSayHello;
public event EventHandler<CounterEventArgs> OnCounter;
public class SayHelloEventArgs : EventArgs
public string Messsage { get; set; } = "";
public class CounterEventArgs : EventArgs
public int Counter { get; set; } = 0;