C#: Add event handlers dynamically using reflection

By Mike Hadlow, published Apr 28, 2022

Recently I had a situation where I needed to test a class with dozens of event handlers. Rather than manually write the repetitive code to attach the handlers I decided to cheat and use reflection. Since there wasn’t anything immediately available online that I could find, I’m sharing an example here to show how to do it.

The code below is a simple console application that demonstrates this technique. There is a class ThingWithEvents that exports a couple of events, OnSayHello and OnCounter. The program creates an instance of this class then calls SubscribeToEvents. This reflects over all the events in the given type and for each event calls GetHandlerFor which generates an EventHandler<T> delegate of the correct type.

There’s a GitHub Gist here for any suggestions or comments.

namespace EventHandlersByReflection;

using System.Reflection;
using static System.Console;

public class Program
    public static void Main()
        var thing = new ThingWithEvents();


        thing.SayHello("Hello World!");

    private static void SubscribeToEvents<T>(T target)
        foreach(var @event in target.GetType().GetEvents())
            var handler = GetHandlerFor(@event);
            @event.AddEventHandler(target, handler);
            WriteLine($"Subscribed to {@event.Name}");

    static MethodInfo? genericHandlerMethod = typeof(Program).GetMethod("Handler", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic);

    private static Delegate GetHandlerFor(EventInfo eventInfo)
        var eventArgsType = eventInfo.EventHandlerType?.GetMethod("Invoke")?.GetParameters()[1]?.ParameterType;
        if(eventArgsType is null)
            throw new ApplicationException("Couldn't get event args type from eventInfo.");
        var handlerMethod = genericHandlerMethod?.MakeGenericMethod(eventArgsType);
        if(handlerMethod is null)
            throw new ApplicationException("Couldn't get handlerMethod from genericHandlerMethod.");
        return Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(EventHandler<>).MakeGenericType(eventArgsType), handlerMethod);

    // zero refernces, but accessed via reflection. Do not delete!
    private static void Handler<TArgs>(object? sender, TArgs args)
        if(args is SayHelloEventArgs sayHelloEventArgs)
            WriteLine($"SayHello said: {sayHelloEventArgs.Messsage}");
        if(args is CounterEventArgs counterEventArgs)
            WriteLine($"Counter is {counterEventArgs.Counter}");

public class ThingWithEvents
    private int counter = 0;

    public void SayHello(string message)
        OnSayHello(this, new SayHelloEventArgs { Messsage = message });

    public void Count()
        OnCounter(this, new CounterEventArgs { Counter = counter });

    public event EventHandler<SayHelloEventArgs> OnSayHello;
    public event EventHandler<CounterEventArgs> OnCounter;

public class SayHelloEventArgs : EventArgs
    public string Messsage { get; set; } = "";

public class CounterEventArgs : EventArgs
    public int Counter { get; set; } = 0;

Hi, I’m Mike Hadlow. Software developer, architect, blogger and open source developer.

Find my old blog at Code Rant. This ran from 2005 to 2020 and has hundreds of posts.

All code on this blog is published under an MIT licence. You are free to copy it and use it for any purpose without attribution. There is no warranty whatsoever. All non-code text is copyright Mike Hadlow and cannot be reused without permission.

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